I don't make that statement lightly. Let's look back three years. I was 80lbs heavier, just starting a job and trying to figure out "what am I going to when I grow up?". Throughout my first year of crossfit I lost those 80lbs,could do a pullup and there were no more 'girl' pushups for me. I felt great about myself and my confidence showed. I was given more responsibility at work, and was accomplishing tasks in an efficient manor. I was more willing to take risks, and it was paying off. I had learned that fear is ok, and only way to conquer your fears was to take them head on, much like training your weaknesses.
My second year of CrossFit I took the initiative and got certified, I wanted to learn more and be able to share my passion with others. There we did a group wod, Fran. It was my first time meeting Fran, I pulled a 5:47 and fastest time of the females that day. That's when I got bit by the competition bug. Shortly after my cert I began training for the 2009 games. I was more dedicated to CF than ever before. Perfect diet, no booze, 3 on 1 off, training my weaknesses. A strange thing happened. My focus in the gym focused me outside the gym. I was more mentally focused on accomplishing tasks and accomplishing them well. I took pride in everything I did, not that I didn't care before, but it was a new found sense of ownership. I had the ability to and determination to make my career goals come true. Much like in CF, in work, if you don't sacrifice, focus and bust your ass, you'll never see results. Somehow I had always had a disconnect. I wasn't just employee x at company z, I was Kate 'klller' Rawlings and my work was going to reflect that.
While my regionals outcome was not what I wanted, I gained more in those 2 days than I had in a LONG time. I had set out to do something difficult and I saw it through to the end. I realized at that moment that if I wanted something bad enough I would/could make it happen, and the only person that could hold me back was myself. I had made my body harder and tougher than it had ever been, now it was time to make myself mentally tougher. I then made the decision to start my MBA program (of which I just finished my first semester) and it was the best decision I could have made.
All I need to know I learned from Crossfit-I learned that if you want something you have to be focused, determined and willing to sacrifice for the greater good
-I learned that when you want to quit, you have to step back, get your brain and heart to slow down, and begin again
-I learned that focusing on one task at a time makes the bigger picture less blurry and abstract
-And more importantly I learned just how psychically and mentally tough I was and how much I had underestimated myself
30 C&J for time (95lb)
1 mile run