Being the daughter of an Army drill Sargent I grew up with a strong sense of pride for those that serve. We are constantly hearing about troops losing their lives in the line of duty, but nothing is more saddening than losing your life to a senseless shooting.
Many in the CrossFit community were affected by the tragic shootings at Fort Hood, but none as directly as one of our affiliates, Lumberjack Crossfit . Four members of that affiliate were killed.
With the help of the CrossFit community, we assisted the men and women at Ft. Hood and Lumberjack CrossFit raise money for the families of the fallen, and the future needs of the approximately 30 wounded.
In less than a week CrossFit Cleveland pulled 15 people together and raised over $400. I'm so proud of everyone and the amazing efforts they put in.
20 deadlifts (185lb)
400m run
20 kbswings (55lb)
400m run
20 ohs (85lb)
400m run
20 burpees
400m run
20 pullups (chest to bar)
400m run
20 box jumps (18")
400m run
20 db squat cleans (25 each)
400m run
Finished 30:00 flat as rx'd....I'll take it.
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