There are 1000 reasons why you can't eat healthy, and in my opinion non of them are valid. I open the gym at 5am, head to work at 8-5, and then go to school til 10pm, and yet I still eat a perfect paleo zone amongst the chaos. How? Preparation!
Every Sunday I schedule 2 hours to cook and pack all my meals and snacks for the week. This removes any excuse you have about not having time during the week.
This weeks menu:
Salmon lunches: 4.5 oz salmon, 2 cups peppers, 3tbsp avocado
Chicken lunches: 3 oz chicken, 2 cups peppers, 12 almonds
Salmon dinners: 6 oz salmon, 2 cups broccoli, 18 almonds
Chicken dinners: 4 oz chicken, 2 cups broccoli, 18 almonds
Snacks: 5 slices dried apple, 9 almonds, 1 pepperoni stick or 5 dried apricots, 9almonds, 1 oz beef jerky,
Today's Wod:
Dirty Dozen- Partner wod
12 pushups
12 squats
12 pulls on the rower
12 rounds
(1 person works at a time, each partner completes 12 rounds)
16:27 with Coach Russell
Yeah! It's true, if you have time to prepare your food. You'll probably eat what you prepare. If all nutritious foods are readily available, we will all be healthy. But most of the time we don't find time to prepare what to eat. So we tend to eat at fastfood chain which is not a healthy option. Finding time for meal preparation is the key to a healthy living.