Today is my first day of post school no sleepingness. Getting out of class at 10:10 I hit my bed about 10:45pm, and that alarm still went off at 4am. I knew I might drag today, and boy was I right. I'm functioning just fine as long as I keep moving, but I'll tell you, when I stop tonight I will be out for the count.
I think there's a part of 'constantly varied functional movements' that is missed. It's more than changing the wod everyday. Have you ever worked out on 5 hours of sleep, like I did today, or no sleep. Worked out on an empty stomach? Worked out in the morning instead of night? Play around with it and see what happens. You'll never know what really works for you if you don't experiment. What's the worst that happens, you try something and fail miserably? You'll learn more from failing then you ever will succeeding.
Today's WOD:
15 deadlifts 1x body weight (135lb)
15 toes to bar
AMRP in 20min
8rounds +15 deadlifts
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