So I had the brill ant idea of taking on 'Helen' last night. Thought process being...it's still nice enough to run, I should do a wod that has running in it....'Helen'
I have been chasing the sub 10 Helen, and today was going to be my day! 3...2...1... GO! First run felt good, slam through the kbswings and pull ups unbroken. 3:00min flat, off on the 2nd run. I'm thinking I've got to keep this pace to get my sub 10min. Start into the 2nd round of kb swings, again unbroken, wish I could say the same for the pull ups. I got through 9, dropped and got back on the bar to finish off the last 3. Out the door I go, last run. My lower back is screaming at me, but I'm working on getting comfortable with being uncomfortable so I push through.
Last kb swings...1..2..3....11..OH MY GOD...drop the bell. Troy yes over my shoulder "pick it up" I get the mindset "this bell is not going to beat me" 12..13..16..17..."can i stop? you're so close.." 18...19..."MAKE IT STOP" 20..21....drop the bell and on to the bar. 6 straight, forearms cramping so I drop off the bar...shake it out, 7..8..9...drop. NO MORE!!! 10, 11, 12 TIME!!!! 9:59
I did it...the elusive sub10 Helen, I had captured it. And oh man did I feel it, my entire mid-section felt like i was wearing a corset that was 10 sizes too small, and my stomach was in my throat. I knew I had pushed myself farther than it had wanted to go, and that's the goal.
3 rounds
400m run
21 kbswings (36lb)
12 pullups
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