We truly are a sick group of people. Only CrossFitters get a truly gratifying feeling from ending up on the floor in a pool of our own sweat, muscles cramping and gasping for air.
Today's torture:
4 rounds
25 box jumps (20")
25 pushups (chest to deck)
25 kb swings (36lb)
25 pullups
25 wallball (14lb 8' target)
Finished in 26:06
It took me about 15 min to feel 'normal' again, and that made me feel pretty damn good. My goal every wod is to get uncomfortable. The constant that you'll see from all the top competitors is that they are comfortable with being uncomfortable. I can say I haven't mastered it yet, but I'm aware of it, and isn't that always the first step?
Wow, I'm never coming to that class. I'd collapse halfway through. Nice job. But I'll stick with the exec class at noon. :)