This weekend brought with BEAUTIFUL weather. 65-70 degrees and sunny in Cleveland, OH in November...unheard of!
Us Ohio CrossFitters took full advantage. Saturday 6 of us got together for an outdoor wod that seemed so simple on paper.
200m run w/ 25lb sandbag
15 squat cleans (95lb)
15 burpees
Finished in 14:54 and boy did I fell it.
The sandbag runs fried my abs. You have to use so much more core stabilization when running with a bag on your back.
Sunday we did an equally as difficult wod.
Run 1 1/2 miles
50 Thrusters (65lb)
50 sandbag get ups
Finished in 26:38
Some broke the 50's into 5 rounds of 10, I made the mistake of slamming through the thrusters first. My thought process being..."I hate thrusters, so I'll just get through them and the getups will be easy" That back fired. My hips were f*ing tired by the time I got to the get ups.
That's all part of the sport. How you attack a wod. Combining different reps into different configurations changes the wod completely. I'm a big believer that crossfit is 50% strength and 50% mental. The instant you doubt your body and your abilities you're done.
Awesome job with the 95lb on Saturday!